US Court temporarily bars Runtown from performing in the US
This was sent out to media houses today. Read below... On Friday June 3, 2016, Lydia Obasis Hills, Esq., a first-rate New York litigator and entertainment lawyer, secured a temporary injunction, on behalf of Eric Many, Ltd., in the Eastern District of New York against Runtown and his manager, Bugu Aneto Okeke, barring all U.S. performances and appearances by the Nigerian pop star. According to Ms. Obasi Hills, she hopes "Runtown's injunction sends a message to Nigerian artists that it's important to respect the sanctity of contracts, and to work with their labels who often invest large sums into promoting their careers." Runtown sought to breach his contract with EricMany, Ltd., to which he was the sole artist on the label. Ms. Obasi Hills argued before United States District Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto, who found that "Nigerian music is on the verge of crossing over into North American popular music and that the "totality of potential losses that EricMa...